About Ojos Locos Sports Cantina

Founded in 2010, Ojos Locos Sports Cantina was built to cater to the Latino male bringing him a comfortable laid back man CUEVA experience. Ojos Locos offers State-of-the-art HD TV�s broadcasting all day deportes with home games for Latinos & away games for the Gringos, in other words Ojos Locos Ama el F�tbol but they are also headquarters for Boxing, UFC, NFL, NBA and MLB. As if that weren�t enough to get you excited, you are served by some of the most coquetas y bonitas chicas. And what�s a sports cantina without delicious authentic Mexican comida �
�Mas Tacos, Mas Wings y Mas Cerveza�. Not only are they Cambiando the way you watch Deportes, they�re also changing the way you drink cerveza. Ojos Locos created the very first �Bal�n�. It�s only the coolest way to drink your Cerveza � a la DRAFT! Known for their 29� ice cold Cerveza, Chica Coquetas y Bonitas and their massive wall of HD televisions makes you wonder why you�re still sitting reading about Ojos and not at one of locales � find a location near you muy pronto � Dallas, San Antonio, Ft. Worth, Albuquerque and now in Houston.
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