About Ciccio Restaurant Group


Ciccio Restaurant Group began its journey in New York City over 25 years ago with James Lanza.

Ciccio Restaurant Group is named after Lanza's father, Frank (Ciccio) Lanza, who was a successful Fortune 100 CEO and founder of L3 Communications. Jeff Gigante joined the team and proceeded to open a branch of the restaurant Ciccio and Tony's in Tampa.

James Lanza came down for the official opening and fell in love with the healthy mindset of the Tampa Bay area. He saw Florida as a wide-open market where he could start creating brands and expanding business. Ciccio Restaurant Group measures its success through repeat customers and a strong culture amongst its team members.

Frank (Ciccio) Lanza was a true leader and the Ciccio Restaurant Group continues to carry out his legacy in treating vendors, employees and customers with the utmost respect.

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